Post Modern Collection small masterpieces

With our Post Modern Collection we inspire people to enrich their lives by acquiring unique art pieces, created by great artists. We believe anyone should have the opportunity to collect high-quality modern art. Our concept makes it possible for everyone to start their own private collection. Art reflects your personality and encourages you to make a statement.

Instead of producing large-scale and therefore costly works, we invite artists and designers to tell their story through small-scale pieces, made exclusively for the Post Modern Collection. The result is a growing collection of unique, handmade, affordable, small masterpieces.

We work closely together with both emerging and established artists and designers. By suggesting a smaller scale, we challenge them to take a different approach to creating art. To explore new territories and ultimately, broaden their horizons. The revenues of our sales can be directly reinvested into their artistic development.

Our aim is to keep expanding our collection with a wide range of new narratives, perspectives, materials and techniques. By doing so, the Post Modern Collection stays refreshing, relevant and distinctive.

Collecting art might seem to be reserved for the privileged. But just imagine the sheer joy it can bring! Therefore, we invite you to become a collector too. What is more, our affordable art pieces also make the perfect gift for your loved ones.

The Post Modern Collection is available at international art and design events, carefully curated retailers ánd online.

Post Modern Collection is founded by Woes van Haaften.

Post Modern Collection complies with the Gallery Fair Practice Code.

The code:

1. The gallery in question records in writing the relationship between the gallery and the artist, including agreements regarding the duration of the agreement, prices and any applicable discounts. Other matters that may be recorded in this document include: monitoring and evaluation of the agreements, both parties’ targets (e.g. regarding international visibility), the relationship with a second gallery, agreements regarding the settlement of any discounts, regarding commissions from third parties, or the settlement of other expenses such as for transport, photography, insurance or the construction of an exhibition. Model contracts are available on the Dutch Gallery Association (NGA) website.

2. The artist remains the owner of their work until the full amount is paid to the gallery, with the exception of secondary trading. This also applies in the case of gallery bankruptcy or attachment.

3. The gallery shall transfer the full artist’s share of the sales price agreed with the customer within 60 days following the sale of the artist’s work, and provide the artist with the buyer’s name and address details, and a copy of the invoice.

4. Unsold artworks in the charge of the gallery must always be returned to the artist within a month, if requested by the artist.

5. The relationship between galleries may involve competition and rivalry, but in the case of different galleries representing the same artist, the galleries should in all respects remain loyal to the interests of the artist in question. If a gallery exclusively represents an artist, thereby acting as their ‘mother gallery’, and another gallery would like to organise an exhibition with this artist, the involved parties should make written agreements regarding the conditions under which the exhibition can be held (see appendix for a Dutch Gallery Association (NGA) model contract).

6. The gallery is expected to be professional and competent, and to maintain this professionalism and competence.

7. The gallery vouches for the authenticity of the work that they are selling.* In the case that a work is adjudged to be fake by a recognised independent party, the customer may return the work to the gallery owner and have the amount paid for the work refunded.

8. A gallery states the following on their website: their objectives, programme, working method and the artists that they represent.

9. A gallery is expected to act in accordance with the Fair Practice Code (, which includes an assurance against inappropriate behaviour at the gallery and elsewhere.

*If desired, certificates of authenticity can be requested from the Dutch Gallery Association (NGA)

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