Post Modern Collection small masterpieces

Marian Bijlenga'Small Scale', 05

Unique, signed art piece

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  • Unique, signed art piece (2021)
  • Fish scales, dyed, stitched
  • 12,5 × 14 cm
  • Suspension: 4 pins

"I work with  materials which are soft, light, flexible and open to endless development. For the Post Modern Collection I made miniatures, using Fish Scales, collected during my artist in residence in Iceland. Each work is unique and signed." – Marian Bijlenga

Marian Bijlenga lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where she studied at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. She has exhibited extensively
throughout The Netherlands, the United States, Europe, China, Japan and South Korea. She has been an artist in residence on three occasions and has published internationally in Embroidery, Surface Design, FiberArts, Collect and Selvedge.

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